What is WordPress?

WordPress is the publishing tool for the website, even though it is used to build the blogs easily. But the main point of the WordPress is, it is a tool that helps to build websites easily. There might be lots of softwares that makes it available to build websites, yet each individual has to know the codings or what we call website languages. So web-developers were needed to even build the basic websites. But in WordPress, it offers the basic templates, easier access to design on the websites, and still available to use the coding at the same time.
Wordpress has two basic ways to submit the content. The page and the post. Pages are the contents that stays on the same spot, so it is used to put the information that doesn’t change often. And the posts are the contents that uploads consistently for the news or updates. On both formats, users can have their own choice of the basic toolbox which is similar to what we see on “Microsoft Words” like text font, size, listing, and aligning the text. Also, media contents like audio file, images, and videos can be uploaded and saved in the media library.
The themes that contains the basic formats can be changed in the appearance tab. There are basic themes like “Twenty Fourteen” which is magazine style and “Twenty Thirteen” which is blog based. Depending on the version of the WordPress, there might be “Twenty Fifteen” or “Twenty Twelve”. But more themes can be added by online or uploading the downloaded themes, and at the same time, themes can be custom designed as well. Even the basic theme’s settings can be changed easily by adding or deleting each contents or the containers on the theme customizer. Also, wizets can be customized as well by dragging at the wizet category under the appearance tab. And if any plug-ins are needed, they can be installed manually under the plug-in tab even though some of them are not free. There should be some caution when you are installing the plug-in, as some of the plug-ins might not work properly or simply just abandoned.
Wordpress might be a useful tool for the organizations that might not be able to afford private web-developer or web-designers. But WordPress still offers the similar effect, and rather easy platforms compared to the other softwares that are around.

4 thoughts on “What is WordPress?”

  1. I think it is true what you said about WordPress allowing people who are not web-developers to build up their own page. It makes it so much easier for small companies, people who want to develop their individual professional page, and even larger companies. It is a great source.


    1. Yes, Oriana. WordPress really made it easier for the small companies. They don’t have to web developer and web designer to consistently check it (which would cost a lot) 🙂


  2. I think you mean “widgets” but I liked this post. WordPress is sort of an easy way to do webdesign, but when working with lots of people who all want to edit it can be helpful.


    1. 🙂 It was a hide and seek to try to figure out if somebody will find my spelling mistake! Yes, Peter. I think it is really good in the way that the many people can work at once


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